Tuesday, October 25, 2016

From Model to Iso - PSV

The goal in the design group is to have complete and accurate models, full of all the correct information. This is a walk through to obtain that goal when designing PSV setups. Start with your designed setup, which has all the line numbers correctly applied. Double-click on the PSV component. (Click on pictures to enlarge, then the Back button to return)

Go to the "TAG" entry line and enter the correct information. Notice in the example, the "$" was used. This forces all text following after to enter on a second line.

From here, select the "ISOGEN" button at the bottom left of the dialog box.

At the top right of the "ISOGEN" dialog box, click the pull-down menu labeled "TYPE" under the "MESSAGE" section, and select "CIRCLE".

This will create a circle on the Isometric. Next enter the information you want to see in the circle in the "TEXT" entry line.

Notice the "$" symbol to force a second line. Now your PSV model component holds all the information, which will automatically transfer over to the isometric, saving you a few "scrub" items.

Please ask if you have any questions regarding this walk through.

Be helpful.
- Jeremy

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